
Comparative experience shows us that a region will remain prosperous over time if local companies have strategies and practices aligned with their environment, the vitality of their clusters, and the quality of the business environment in which they operate. Competitive advantage is created and sustained through highly localized processes that increase the independence of competitiveness associated with macroeconomic variables.


Subnational territories need to develop skills and advantages to specialize in areas or sectors with the possibility of international insertion. Globalization demands a new role for local governments at the meso- and microeconomic levels and in public-private coordination with the objective of contributing to boosting the competitiveness of companies and their productive sectors.

Our competitive strength is nourished by eight dynamic pillars that form the foundation of our success:
In our commitment to progress and development, we are inspired by leading international agencies such as:

We promote innovative initiatives and strategies that boost economic growth, taking international lessons and experiences as a reference.